#1 Best Selling Golf Fitness Video Series of All Time

Finally ... End Your Pain, Increase Your Coil and Gain More Power
Gain instant access to “The Secrets To Golf Swing Flexibility” digital video series which you can watch on any device you can also download them to watch on your computer. Along with the digital version you also receive the Exercise Guide as a printable PDF, handy Booklet, and Poster.
Physical DVDs Also Available
The Greatest Players & Athletes in the World Trust Roger to Work on Their Bodies and Golf Swings.

Poor Posture is One of the Leading Causes of Health Problems Watch The Video Below - It Will Change Your Life!


Fredericks Golf & Fitness is Great for Golfers & Non-Golfers Alike!
Posture • Fitness • Wellness • Flexibility
Roger Fredericks is an innovative golf instructor and fitness expert, as well as one of the original pioneers of the golf fitness movement, and has worked on the golf swings and bodies of thousands of golfers including over 70 Tour Players, 7 Hall of Famers and all of the ‘Big Three’ Arnold Palmer, Jack Nicklaus and Gary Player.
His Smash Hit Infomercial, Roger Fredericks Reveals the Secrets to Golf Swing Flexibility is the top selling Golf Fitness DVD’s of all time! His golf instruction, flexibility, and posture techniques have helped legions of golfers and non golfers on and off the course. Now, In the Learning Center, Roger will reveal his secrets of Golf Instruction and Fitness techniques…to you!