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Importance of Breathing

Great Breathing Method for Golf and Sports

Unfortunately, I’ve found that the majority of people in our culture actually Breathe improperly.  This is largely due to the Forward Flextion – sitting down culture that we live in.  Proper breathing begins in the lower diaphragm with the oxygen bellowing upwards.  People whose  hips and shoulders are out of position nearly always breathe from their upper thorax which creates a shallow breath which is not as powerful as the powerful breaths resulting from the lower diaphragm.  Generating what’s called IAP – Intra Abdominal Pressure is a must for better health, focus and relaxation.

Tension is PUBLIC ENEMY #1 in Golf… and Life, for that matter; And, without question, the best way to ‘Take a Swing at Tension’ (which is a phrase I heard from fellow teacher Dean Reinmuth), is by
taking some full and deep breaths, starting from the abdomen on up.

Watching a basketball player at the Free Throw Line, or a baseball pitcher about to go into his windup, you’ve probably noticed that they’ll always take a few deep breaths before delivering their shot or pitch. However, we don’t always see this with amateur golfers – who in large part, have more time to stand over the ball and ‘think’ about it; which often freezes them and inhibits their oxygen and neuron flow throughout their swing.

Taking a couple deep breaths (especially when you’re feeling ‘Up Tight’) while visualizing your intended shot at the target, will certainly help you make a Smooth and Rhythmic golf swing.

In today’s video, I demonstrate a Breathing Method on how to breathe which will certainly help you keep yourself from ‘Choking’ when you’re getting into Crunch Time.

Read also about Testing Your Shoulder Turn