Without question, all sports (And Golf IS an Athletic Motion) relies on Lower Body Function, and THE most important part of the Lower Body are the Hips and Legs. PELVIC STABILITY, and I’m referring to how well the Hips and Legs Stabilize as well as Rotate, is Absolutely Crucial in the performance of the Golf Swing. However, (and you’ve heard me harp on this for years), our Sitting Down Sedentary Lifestyle has REALLY tightened our hips and legs over the last few decades, not only causing havoc in our golf swings, but especially in our overall physical health and posture.
The video above is not only a TEST of your Hips and Quads, but also is a Highly Recommended STRETCH that will help you dramatically loosen up your Lower Body and allow you the freedom to perform a Fundamental and Powerful golf swing. I recommend that most people hold the stretch for 2-3 minutes in the beginning, and as the leg and lower back begin to come down easier and sooner, you can do it for as little as a minute a side.
Read also about A Drill to Blend Weight Shift and Torso Rotation – TURN OVER THE CHAIR DRILL