The Body IS the Mind

“THE BODY IS THE MIND” is a phrase I heard Deepak Chopra say a while back while we were involved in a seminar at La Costa Resort & Spa. Although I’ve known that for a long time, I’ve never quite put it that way; instead saying, ‘Your Posture is a Reflection of what’s going on/on the Inside’.  Regardless, […]

The Pectoralis Stretch

Do This Simple Stretch Throughout the Day to Open up Your Chest In the golf swing, the upper part of the spine and chest rotates approximately 60% more than the lower spine.  In the illustration here, you can see what is happening as the FRONT upper chest muscles EXPAND, and the BACK MUSCLES contract (or […]

Is it Dangerous to Land on the Outside of Your Left Foot?

By now, you’ve probably seen a lot of golfers – including Tour Players, land on the outside of their left feet when they move down into the ball.  The question is… Is this dangerous? The answer to that question is… YES!  In fact, it’s usually just a matter of time before some part of the linkage of muscles […]

Your Body is the Dumping Ground of Your Mind

Spending a lifetime in the golf world, I’ve been blessed to have associated with thousands of Super Successful People from all walks of life; not to mention, have worked with hundreds of GREAT golfers and professional athletes. I’ve been asked all the time what many of them are like? And, I usually respond by saying that whatever you do, don’t get in […]

The Power of Passion – Let NOTHING Get in the Way of Stopping You From Achieving Your Goals

Over decades, I’ve been incredibly blessed to have known many of the most successful people in the world  – and in many cases, of all time. This includes Hall of Fame athletes from virtually every sport, business icons, amazingly successful artists, and very talented lay people.  As Ben Hogan walked to the practice tee before a round, a […]

The Mystery of Tiger’s Knee Problems is No Mystery

For years, I’ve been hearing different theories from golf pros and physical trainers on why Tiger’s had 4 knee surgeries – and now has just undergone back surgery. For years, I’ve been hearing different theories from golf pros and physical trainers on why Tiger’s had 4 knee surgeries – and now has just undergone back […]

The Greatest Game Of All

Of all of golf’s many attributes, I think the greatest of them all is the incredible number of fascinating people that we meet, and play the game.  In my case, and because I’ve made the game my profession, I’ve been extremely blessed with meeting virtually thousands of people from all walks of life, from the […]

Are Your Swing Faults “Just” Habits?

To date, I don’t think anybody’s ever achieved a perfect golf swing. Although a few have come close, (Snead and Els come to mind); even they have some slight nuances that they fought for a lifetime. To date, I don’t think anybody’s ever achieved a perfect golf swing. Although a few have come close, (Snead […]

Golf And Other Sports

While growing up as a youngster, golf was definitely considered a sissy sport. Over time, research has proven that this is FAR from the truth. Professional golfers possess “Tree Trunks” for legs, and on average, possess greater upper trunk flexibility than NBA basketball players! While growing up as a youngster, golf was definitely considered a […]

Better Posture = Feeling Better

It has become irrefutable to me, that proper posture is the #1 most important aspect of musculeo skeletal health than any other.  If there is one thing that gets more and more re-enforced into my brain year after year, it’s that the body has ONE design, and ONE design only, in which to operate from; […]