Category: Fitness and Nutrition
Take This Breathing Test
To Make Sure You Are Breathing Maximally! I know this may sound strange, but I’ve found that the majority of people don’t Breathe Correctly! Yes, they’re Breathing – but not the way the body designed us to! A simple look at newborn babies can teach you a lot about the right way nature intended us […]
Our bodies were designed for One Reason: TO MOVE! Yet our sedentary lifestyle of sitting down so much is robbing us of that one crucial activity. The Good News is that Research has proven that MODERATE and Consistent Exercise is far superior to exercises that ‘punish’ the body over ‘Long’ periods of time. If you’re […]
Probably THE most common mistake I see when people stretch and lift weights is that they’re usually out of proper form and posture, which often leads to not properly stretching or strengthening the muscles that the exercise intended. Not only are they ‘perfecting their faults’ and developing poor posture but being ‘out of true’ can […]
THIS CAR HAS A DAMAGED WHEEL AND TIREWOULD ‘JUST ‘FIXING THE WHEEL GET THE CAR BACK ‘IN SHAPE’? Let’s Define Centration Back in my early twenties, I had a professional golf career cut short due to TWO Knee surgeries and TWO MAJOR wrist surgeries; after which my golf swing was never quite the same. My […]
Does the Golf Swing Cause Injuries? Or, Do Your Injuries INJURE Your Golf Swing?
One of the questions one hears a lot is that the Golf Swing Motion is bad for your back? And I can assure you that I’ve been asked that hundreds of times. The truth is that the human body is one of the most remarkable and durable ‘machines’ ever devised and it’s designed to undergo an […]
The Benefits of a Cold Shower – A Sure Way to Feel Great
As I get further along on my life’s journey, it never ceases to amaze me how Mother Nature gives us SO MANY ingenious ways to heal ourselves and solve our problems. Let’s face it, in life – there are times you feel on top of the world, and times you feel under the weight of it. It’s no […]
Functional Strength
Everybody wants to be strong, but the question is: What does “being strong” really mean? Without question, nearly everybody would agree that weightlifters are strong because they can lift a lot of weight. Everybody wants to be strong, but the question is: What does “being strong” really mean? Without question, nearly everybody would agree that […]
The Site of Pain is Seldom the Source of Pain
For a LOT of years, I’ve been very involved in both the golf profession and also the world of physical training, and I’ve learned that most of the problems encountered in both of these activities, are seldom the genesis of the “actual” problems. For a LOT of years, I’ve been very involved in both the […]
Why Stretching A Muscle…Doesn’t Always Stretch The Muscle!
“Hey Roger, I don’t get it? I’ve been stretching my hamstrings for years, and they‘re still tight. Even when I was a kid, I couldn’t touch my toes and I still can’t!” If I had $10 for every time I’ve heard that, or something similar, I’d be in a considerably higher tax bracket! The truth […]
“You don’t have to get old the way our society has brainwashed us into believing”, is what my late father Elmer Fredericks (shown below at around 90 years of age) used to always say. And, after spending a lifetime with virtually thousands of men and women from every walk of life, I have to wholeheartedly agree! […]