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Swing Fault: Introduction from Roger Fredericks

Are your golf swing flaws just bad ‘HABITS’ or are they ‘SYMPTOMS’ of a lack of flexibility in key muscle groups?

In this Introductory Segment, Roger explains that YOUR BODY IS YOUR GOLF SWING and introduces Specific Flexibility Programs to address many of Golf’s most common swing faults.   Swing Faults generally occur because tight and imbalanced muscles don’t flow together.  For  example, a person with very tight hips will often slide their hips; a person with rounded shoulders will nearly always be restricted in their shoulder turn etc.  Rather than work on the SYMPTOM (the Swing Flaw) doesn’t  it make more sense to work on the CAUSE (Tight and Restricted Muscles).  By restoring flexibility to the actual muscle groups that are causing the fault, you’ll certainly be on the way to achieving a freer and more powerful golf swing.  

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Golf Lessons from the Masters: Gary Player & Roger Fredericks

Gary Player first met Roger Fredericks in Kaanapali, Maui. Gary Player has always been an ambassador of golf fitness and living a healthy lifestyle. When he met Roger Fredericks, they discovered a synergy through a shared philosophy of golf fitness.

Gary Player first met Roger Fredericks in Kaanapali, Maui. Gary Player has always been an ambassador of golf fitness and living a healthy lifestyle. When he met Roger Fredericks, they discovered a synergy through a shared philosophy of golf fitness.

In this video, Gary Player gives his testimony about Roger Fredericks’ programs: Secrets of Golf Swing Flexibility. On a quest to win a major in six decades, Gary explains how golf swing flexibility, proper golf stretching, and eating healthy add to his longevity on the tour.

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Arnold Palmer: Golf Fitness, Flexibility & Driving Distance Part 1

After playing a practice round with Tommy Jacobs several years ago at the Senior PGA Championship, Arnold Palmer was amazed at Tommy’s incredible driving distance – especially considering that nearly all of the other seniors had ‘lost’ distance!

Tommy told him that he had embarked on Roger Fredericks’ Flexibility program- which included specific golf stretching and flexibility protocols and that he had actually GAINED a substantial amount of driving distance even ‘after’ becoming a senior!

Eventually Arnold Palmer and Roger got together and as they say, the rest is history. After producing a very successful Infomercial together, “Roger Fredericks Reveals the Secrets to Golf Swing Flexibility”, Roger has written his latest book ‘The Flexible Golf Swing’ where he reveals the Secrets to the Golf Swing and Flexibility – just as he has to over 200,000 golfers including 70 Tour professionals, including 7 Hall of Famers; and where Arnold Palmer has written the Foreward.

Arnold Palmer has used Roger Fredericks’ stretching and flexibility program for years On and Off the Course.

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Static Back Press

A simple pose that will do wonders for you – especially suppressing back pain. In a short amount of time, you’ll begin to feel your back begin to ‘melt’ into the floor.  As the body relaxes, you’ll find that your pelvis will relax which will then ‘let go’ of it’s grip on the spine. You can spend 5 minutes up to 30 minutes in this incredibly effective pose.

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Importance of Flexibility

In this video, I’m giving you a short overview of ‘Why’ flexibility is so important in the golf swing.  If you’re now depressed because you’re not flexible, don’t worry – because  – Everybody, no matter what the age can improve the range of motion in their bodies ‘If they stretch the right muscles – the right way’.  (And, I just happen to know where you can find a flexibility program to do just that!). 

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Explanation of the Hamstrings

Exercise – Explanation of the Hamstrings and their function in the golf swing.  Tight hamstrings and their corresponding muscles play a MAJOR role in the golf swing!  These muscles affect your lower body in a big way – AND, the Lower body dictates to the upper body during the swing.  If your Hammies and lower body muscles aren’t functional, your lower body won’t be able to stabilize and allow the upper body to coil effectively against it.  This video will explain the role of the Hammies  as well as test them to determine where you’re at’.  Let me know how you do by leaving your comment below.

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Importance of Breathing

Great Breathing Method for Golf and Sports

Unfortunately, I’ve found that the majority of people in our culture actually Breathe improperly.  This is largely due to the Forward Flextion – sitting down culture that we live in.  Proper breathing begins in the lower diaphragm with the oxygen bellowing upwards.  People whose  hips and shoulders are out of position nearly always breathe from their upper thorax which creates a shallow breath which is not as powerful as the powerful breaths resulting from the lower diaphragm.  Generating what’s called IAP – Intra Abdominal Pressure is a must for better health, focus and relaxation.

Tension is PUBLIC ENEMY #1 in Golf… and Life, for that matter; And, without question, the best way to ‘Take a Swing at Tension’ (which is a phrase I heard from fellow teacher Dean Reinmuth), is by
taking some full and deep breaths, starting from the abdomen on up.

Watching a basketball player at the Free Throw Line, or a baseball pitcher about to go into his windup, you’ve probably noticed that they’ll always take a few deep breaths before delivering their shot or pitch. However, we don’t always see this with amateur golfers – who in large part, have more time to stand over the ball and ‘think’ about it; which often freezes them and inhibits their oxygen and neuron flow throughout their swing.

Taking a couple deep breaths (especially when you’re feeling ‘Up Tight’) while visualizing your intended shot at the target, will certainly help you make a Smooth and Rhythmic golf swing.

In today’s video, I demonstrate a Breathing Method on how to breathe which will certainly help you keep yourself from ‘Choking’ when you’re getting into Crunch Time.