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Alice:  What road do I take?
Cheshire Cat:  Well, where do you want to go?
Alice:  I don’t know.
Cheshire Cat:  Then it doesn’t matter, because any road will take you there.

Cheshire Cat

Take a good stock of your golf game in the coming year.

This famous exchange from Lewis Carroll’s ‘Alice in Wonderland‘ still very much holds true today regarding your golf game (and life for that matter!). I’ve been playing golf since I was a little kid and have been blessed to have played with and coached, scores of Great, Great Players and even a lot more ‘Not so Great’ players. One of the main differences between the two groups is that Great Players know where they want to go. They know their strengths and weaknesses and then work hard on their ‘Weaknesses.’

I remember once, when a friend of mine was caddying for the Great Tommy Bolt – one of the greatest ball strikers of all time (but not one of the Great Putters). Immediately after the round in the So. Cal Open, Tommy and my buddy headed straight for the driving range. While he was hitting pure shot after pure shot, he turned around and saw Jerry Barber – who was one of the Great Putters of all time – (but not considered to be one of the great ball strikers). After his round, Barber headed straight over to the practice putting green to practice his putting. Tommy looked over at us and said, “Isn’t this typical, I never made a putt in my life but can hit it solid every time, yet here I am practicing my long game, and Jerry never missed a putt in his life and can’t hit it solid, yet he’s going over to the putting green to practice his putting. Isn’t it crazy that everybody practices what they do the best!

It’s so true that we all want to practice what we do best, and not what we Should be working on.

My suggestion is: for 2019, take a look at what your strengths and weaknesses are, and then go spend MORE TIME working on your weaknesses.

Along these lines, set GOALS FOR YOURSELF! I.e. if you’re a 12 handicap and want to get down into single figures, make that a goal. For example, you might want to take a Card and write down a ‘9’ on it (indicating your goal is to become a 9 handicap for 2019, etc). Then put the card on a wall, on your bathroom mirror, in your wallet, wherever, and let your subconscious mind Absorb it. When Tiger Woods was a child, he put an 18, signifying the 18 Major Championships of Jack Nicklaus on his wall and pursued that as his long-range goal. If you count Tiger’s 3 U.S. Amateur Championships, he’s won 17; but actually, surpassed Jack in another area – total PGA wins.

The bottom line is – if you PROGRAM YOUR MIND, YOU’LL BE PROGRAMMING YOUR BODY. After all, Thoughts ARE Things! And speaking of which, don’t forget to Stretch and improve your body, not only to retard the aging process and keep your swing young and energetic, but also to help keep you on the Right Road!! (If you don’t, you just may run into some ‘Weird Stray Cats’ along the way 😉)

We at Fredericks Golf TRULY appreciate your patronage in our products and philosophy and wish you all a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND PROSPEROUS 2019… On and Off the course!

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You don’t have to get old the way our society has brainwashed us into believing”, is what my late father Elmer Fredericks (shown below at around 90 years of age) used to always say. 

And, after spending a lifetime with virtually thousands of men and women from every walk of life, I have to wholeheartedly agree!

However, there are unfortunately (in my opinion), too many people who use their age as an excuse for not only their health problems – but also for their declining golf games.  There is NO DOUBT in my mind, that if a person follows nature’s simple rules for good health, a person doesn’t have to break down and become dysfunctional – ON and OFF the course. 

So – what are the rules?

In my opinion, here are NATURE’S RULES

#1) THE NUMBER 1 RULE IS KEEP A POSITIVE ATTITUDE.  Having a positive attitude affects EVERY single aspect of your life.

#2) CONSISTENT AND MODERATE EXERCISE.  My dad was probably the greatest health and fit person I’ve ever seen (and who had a long and beautiful golf swing) who lived to be one month shy of 98 years old.  Virtually every day, he’d do some moderate and consistent exercise.  For example, one day he might swim 20 or so laps in our pool – the next day, he’d go on some vigorous walks in the canyons we lived in – another day, he’d jump rope for about 5-10 minutes – another day, he’d lift some very light dumbbells, etc.  AND, when he played golf (around 2-3 times a week), he ALWAYS walked and took a caddy (he hated carts!). Again, NOTICE I SAID ‘MODERATE AND CONSISTENT EXERCISE’.  Staying in motion and moving around moderately throughout the day is the key.  YOU DON’T HAVE TO BEAT YOUR BRAINS OUT LIKE A 21 YEAR OLD TRYING OUT FOR NFL COMBINE WORKOUTS.

#3) HAVE A PURPOSE EACH DAY – Set goals as often as possible and try to achieve them.  Where your mind goes, your body will follow.

#4) EARLY TO BED, EARLY TO RISE – This old cliché has proven to be true with the discovery of Circadian Rhythm Cycles.  It DOES make a difference!

#5) EAT AND DRINK MODERATELY –  Remember,  if it wasn’t around 2,000 years ago, try not to eat it.  Although this is very tough to do, the closer you can get to following this rule, the better.

#6) STOP BLAMING  – I’ve been blessed to have gotten to get to know virtually thousands of incredibly successful people, and sports legends.  ALL of them take responsibility for their own lives…ALL OF THEM!  You don’t hear winners whining and moaning about the curve balls life’s thrown them.  When you hit a low spot, just KNOW that ‘This Too Shall Pass’ and get up and walk through it.  Or as my friend Gary Player says, “Going through Adversity leads to success”.

If you follow these rules, I can assure you that you’ll definitely retard the aging process, ON and OFF the course.


I’ve been blessed to have known and worked on the bodies and golf swings of virtually thousands of men and women, from virtually every walk of life; including many Super Successful people and Sports Champions. The ones that improve the most, are the ones whose bodies are still fit and especially – flexible!

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The Way We Live Affects the Way We Play Golf

With today’s modern lifestyle of sitting, whether behind the desk or on the couch watching TV, many golfers don’t possess enough strength or flexibility to perform a fundamental golf swing, and consequently end up with poor posture.  In my opinion, it’s very hard to play good golf with poor posture, and I believe that the most neglected aspect of physical training and golf instruction is…

With today’s modern lifestyle of sitting, whether behind the desk or on the couch watching TV, many golfers don’t possess enough strength or flexibility to perform a fundamental golf swing, and consequently end up with poor posture.  In my opinion, it’s very hard to play good golf with poor posture, and I believe that the most neglected aspect of physical training and golf instruction is analyzing an individual’s posture.  

For example, when you see a person with forward head and rounded shoulders, that person invariably has muscle tightness and restrictions in the back and chest muscles – thus inhibiting a functional hip and shoulder turn.

To restore a person back into proper alignment, I believe that in most cases, a proper flexibility program must be administered first– then followed by a strengthening protocol.  In too many cases, I see people get on strengthening programs first – which often simply ‘Strengthens their Dysfunction’ and often leads to more injuries and worse golf.


FIRST THING in the morning, stand against a wall for 2 – 3 minutes with a 4-6 inch rolled up towel behind your lower back.  This will start the process of training your body to find its’ natural design.  Repeat this process before you go to bed.

These are simple things to do Off the course, which will certainly help your