Learn How to Clear Your Left Side and Develop More Speed and Power with the RIGHT ARM ONLY DRILL
Take the ball away and just about everyone makes a fairly smooth, natural swing. However, when you put that little white ball down, it’s often a different story! (ie. ‘Same Face – different Swing 🙂
Every golfer has heard how important it is to have the Left Arm and Side in control during the swing. HOWEVER, the left side will often ‘get stuck’ and prevent the golfer from moving into the ball with speed and power! Moving into the ball properly is what it’s all about. No matter how you take it back, if your body starts down properly, your odds of hitting a good shot are pretty good. The Right Arm Only Drill will help you do just that by not only making it easy to shift onto your front foot, but also get your left side out of the way. This drill will help you swing through the ball – not to it.
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