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‘COMING OVER THE TOP’ is probably THE most common swing fault in golf, and the odds are that at some time in your golf career, you’ve come ‘Over It’ and have tried a lot of things to ‘Cure It.’ Whether it’s Swinging more Inside Out – Taking it back Flatter – Turning the Right Hip Deeper – Don’t Slide your hips, ad infinitum, a lot of things ‘may’ have worked – but the odds are they were temporary.

One place where you might not have looked is in your Posture. Yes that’s right… Your Posture.

Because we live primarily in a Right Handed World, and where approximately 90% of the population is right handed, over time we naturally develop stronger and tighter right sides – especially in our hips and shoulders. Consequently, if you look at the majority of our population – especially the golf population – you’ll notice that the Right Shoulder in the majority of people is Lower and Forward than their Left Shoulder; and consequently when they line up, their shoulders are actually angled and aiming off to the Left. (Also, because the right hand is Lower on the club than the Left, the right shoulder is pulled even more forward.) What does this have to do with Over the Top?

Because the right side is tighter in this posture type, the right shoulder has a harder time turning behind the ball on the backswing due to the muscle restrictions; it then tends to ‘force’ the hands and club to the outside. Coupled with the Left Side being weaker and less stable, it will tend to spin out, giving way to the dominance of the stronger and tighter right side (again, due to the right side ‘throwing’ the Right Shoulder, Arm, and Club to the ‘Outside’) thus cutting across the ball.

The best way to help this condition is to Straighten Out your posture and get better balance and symmetry in your body.

One of my programs in THE POSTURE SYSTEM Video Series is the ROTATED POSTURE PROGRAM, and doing this program along with your Golf Swing Drills will certainly help get that club dropping to the inside and hitting that pretty little Draw!