Get More Distance By Moving Your Center of Gravity

I’ve never met a golfer ‘Yet’ who didn’t want to hit the baLl further – especially seniors! The mathematical formula for Distance is Mass X Velocity Squared. Which means… The More ‘BODY MASS’ and SPEED that moves into the ball, the faster a golfer will be able to generate more Power. Moving your Body Mass […]

Behind The Scenes Arnold Palmer and Tommy Jacobs

One of the highlights of my golf career was the time I spent with Arnold Palmer. Not only was I blessed to have worked with him for several years, but I thoroughly enjoyed developing a relationship with him that I would describe as ‘Priceless’. I’ve never seen a celebrity – let alone the stature that […]

Putting and Focus

The One Thing that I’ve learned that ALL great putters do; is FOCUS ON THE HOLE and not so much the Stroke!  I had the honor of teaching at Omni La Costa Resort for several years with the legendary teacher Jim Flick – and Jim had a saying that I always liked.  He used to […]

Control Your Wedges By Your Shoulder Rotation

I feel that one of the main reasons that amateurs don’t get better results with theirWedges is because they try to keep ‘too still’ in their swings.  Ie, they sometimes try to keep their body static and just use the hands and arms. Remember, that controlling your wedges depends on how well you control your […]

Short Shots Over Bunkers Around The Green

A Lot of people have trouble hitting short pitches over a bunker around the green, and I feel one of the main reasons is that they don’t set up to the ball properly – and don’t ROTATE! Rather than trying to ‘Keep your Head Down’ and Keep Still, try imagining your hitting a short cut […]

In Putting; Focus On The Hole…Not the Stroke!!

By now, you’ve probably seen Phil Mickelson ‘staring’ at his intended shot and putt as part of his pre shot routine..  He’s said that part of his improved play at 51 years of age is due to his conditioning – and MENTAL visualization techniques.   He now stands behind the ball for a considerable time […]

Eliminate Excess Movement with The Pullback Drill

Without a doubt, I think the majority of high handicap golfers ‘Move Too Much’ in their swings and have too many unnecessary and wasted movements.   One of the reasons tour player’s golf swings look so effortless is because they don’t have any hitches ad glitches, and their swings are actually very simple motions  where not […]

Is it Dangerous to Land on the Outside of Your Left Foot?

By now, you’ve probably seen a lot of golfers – including Tour Players, land on the outside of their left feet when they move down into the ball.  The question is… Is this dangerous? The answer to that question is… YES!  In fact, it’s usually just a matter of time before some part of the linkage of muscles […]

Your Body is the Dumping Ground of Your Mind

Spending a lifetime in the golf world, I’ve been blessed to have associated with thousands of Super Successful People from all walks of life; not to mention, have worked with hundreds of GREAT golfers and professional athletes. I’ve been asked all the time what many of them are like? And, I usually respond by saying that whatever you do, don’t get in […]

The Power of Passion – Let NOTHING Get in the Way of Stopping You From Achieving Your Goals

Over decades, I’ve been incredibly blessed to have known many of the most successful people in the world  – and in many cases, of all time. This includes Hall of Fame athletes from virtually every sport, business icons, amazingly successful artists, and very talented lay people.  As Ben Hogan walked to the practice tee before a round, a […]