Static Back Press

A simple pose that will do wonders for you – especially suppressing back pain. In a short amount of time, you’ll begin to feel your back begin to ‘melt’ into the floor.  As the body relaxes, you’ll find that your pelvis will relax which will then ‘let go’ of it’s grip on the spine. You […]

Importance of Flexibility

In this video, I’m giving you a short overview of ‘Why’ flexibility is so important in the golf swing.  If you’re now depressed because you’re not flexible, don’t worry – because  – Everybody, no matter what the age can improve the range of motion in their bodies ‘If they stretch the right muscles – the […]

Explanation of the Hamstrings

Exercise – Explanation of the Hamstrings and their function in the golf swing.  Tight hamstrings and their corresponding muscles play a MAJOR role in the golf swing!  These muscles affect your lower body in a big way – AND, the Lower body dictates to the upper body during the swing.  If your Hammies and lower […]

Importance of Breathing

Great Breathing Method for Golf and Sports Unfortunately, I’ve found that the majority of people in our culture actually Breathe improperly.  This is largely due to the Forward Flextion – sitting down culture that we live in.  Proper breathing begins in the lower diaphragm with the oxygen bellowing upwards.  People whose  hips and shoulders are […]

Testing Your Shoulder Turn

In this video, I invite you to test your shoulder turn so that you can determine just how much you should try to turn.  This test is very revealing and give you a good baseline of your ability to ‘turn and load’. Read also about Do Some Sit To Stands

Do Some Sit To Stands

For Better Stability On and Off The Golf Course Good Golf DEMANDS a Strong Lower Body and a Flexible Upper Torso! However, legions of golfers (especially seniors), have weak lower bodies and Inflexible Upper Torsos. Being able to Rotate your Upper Trunk against a Solid and Strong Lower Body in your golf swing will create superb […]

Do You Want Better Side Bend?

Then Put Some “Windmills” into Your Stretching Routine There is more and more awareness being given today on the importance of Side Bend in the golf swing. No Doubt…Side Bend occurs the more a golfer ROTATES through the shot. Side bend is a challenge for a high percentage of golfers especially seniors, when they have […]

Increase Your Side Bend With Windmills

Not much is mentioned in Golf Instruction Circles regarding Side bend – particularly in the downswing. A look at Tour Players clearly show that when they start down, their Right Shoulders actually go down and angled towards the ball.  This is also in conjunction with their left hip and Left Shoulder turn out of the […]

Standing Quad Stretch

In my opinion, THE #1 problem in our culture- is that we sit down too much! Remember, we’re Hunters & Gatherers and were designed to be out in nature–walking, bending over – Ie,  MOVING !!! Because the majority of us don’t’ move enough, our legs don’t get enough motion that they were designed for, and […]

For More Stability In Your Body and Golf Swing

Do Some “Sit To Stands” Periodically Throughout the Day Lack of stability in your lower body– and being unable to stay in your spine angle, is often the result of having weak Glutes and Tight Hip Flexors.  Because the entire body is a UNIT where all the muscle chains work in unison with one another, […]